Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On today's episode . . .

For today's Nostalgic Pups, we are looking to Walt Disney! But wait! There's more! Today's pups are NOT animated. That's right. Not animated. They are none other than Chance and Shadow, the canine protagonists of Disney's Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. Homeward Bound was one of those talking animal movies that didn't have animals that moved their mouths. I personally think it works out better that way, as the movies with the mouth-moving in sync with what the animal saying usually suck.

Doing the narration (and getting some of the best one-liners) is Chance. Chance is a young, mischievous rescue dog who still hasn't learned the concept of family (duh, that's at the end!). Chance is an American Bulldog, and probably the number one reason to see this movie. I love Chance. He's such a dog! He is always thinking about food, chasing things and interesting smells. That pretty much sums up a big chunk of a dog's personality, and why they are so charming. Also, like I mentioned before, Chance has some of the best lines in the movie. I will include some of my favorites below:

"Ta-da! Batdog!"
(after seeing the chicken coop) "Hallelujah, I've died and gone to Kentucky!"
(while chasing a goose) "I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to chew on your neck!"
"This is like Arnold Schwarzen-kitty!"
(after an encounter with a porcupine) "Ah! He bit me with his butt!"

Next we have everybody's dream dog: he's loyal, well-behaved, and very handsome. He is Shadow, the beautiful Golden Retriever. Shadow is like an old gentleman, serious and old-fashioned. He is basically the perfect dog, and the initiator of the films titular journey. I have to admit that at first I didn't like Shadow, being so stodgy and perfect, but as the movie goes on he becomes much more likable.

Of course there is also the cat, Sassy, but since this is a blog about dogs, we aren't going to discuss her much. Sassy also had some great lines, such as:

"Oh, is that any way to speak to a petite dewdrop... you big flat-faced butt-sniffer?"
(as her owner hugs her) "Hope, sweetheart, Sassy can't breathe"
"Oh, Chance. When will you grow up? That bear could've eaten you. Don't you realize how painful that would've been... for the bear?"

One of my favorite moments was this Sassy/Chance exchange:
Chance - "Well fine, just sit here and diet."
Sassy -"Are you calling me fat?"
Chance - "'Course not, for a hippopotamus!"
(Chance runs into a tree)
Chance - "I meant to do that!"

So in the end, everyone comes out of this adventure alive (barely), are reunited with their humans, and learn valuable life lessons like (ready for it?) the meaning of family! AWW!

Stay tuned for the next Nostalgic Pups!

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