Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When you don't walk your dog . . .

He will walk himself. At least, that's what Buddy did this morning. Oh yes, after my lovely boyfriend left the gate to the yard unlocked, Buddy decided to open it and go for a walk. He didn't run away, or get lost or anything like that. He just calmly strolled up and down the street introducing himself to all the other dogs in the neighborhood.

No one realized Buddy was gone until a neighbor knocked on the door and asked if they owned a Siberian Husky. After boyfriend answered yes, the neighbor proceeded to tell him that the dog had been walking about for some time now. Boyfriend was flabbergasted, Buddy was exhausted and I was mad because no photos were taken. Boyfriend's response was: "I was in my pajamas!" My response was: "Honey its not like you were gonna be in the picture!"

Anyway, for the sake of posting some kind of picture of Buddy, I give you this:
I am aware this is not a very good picture. You be aware that Buddy is a fidgety-gibbet and he is very difficult to photograph. I promise you more photos and better ones. It's a big sacrifice on my part, but I think I can manage.

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