Monday, June 1, 2009

Rover Dangerfield!?

As you can tell from the title, today's Nostalgic Pups is having a WTF moment. Yes today, we will be looking at the barely remembered, painfully unfunny and just plain awful crapfest that is Rover Dangerfield!
Yup. This is one of those movies that was a lot better when you were a kid. Okay, its one of those movies that was decent when you were a kid. Watching it now? Painful to say the least. Besides the flimsy plot, unfunny jokes and annoying voice actors the worst part is definitely Rover himself, which is just a creepy dog-like caricature of Rodney Dangerfield. I say dog-like because the animators retained way too many of Rodney's real life mannerisms, resulting in pure unadulterated weirdness. Exhibit A:
Charlie in All Dogs Go to Heaven was based on his voice actor (Burt Reynolds!) too, but it wasn't to the point where he no longer looked like a dog and was creepy.
So about that plot . . . yea, the plot. Rover lives in Las Vegas and loves it. He shows it during a terrible musical number:Things change because of Rover's showgirl owner.
She is dating this guy, who apparently is a methhead.
He decides Rover is an obstacle to something-or-other and tries to kill him. Instead, Rover is rescued and ends up on a farm. (A city dog on a farm!? That's preposterous!) On the farm are a group of dogs that the movie should have been about, but wasn't. Despite the fact that they are a billion times more likeable than Rover, they hardly get any screen time, to the point where I can't even remember their names. There is also another dog, Raffles (a Border Collie I think) who could have easily been the star of this movie, but is instead relegated to the role of simple country boy (dog?) who teaches the city slicker the ropes on the farm. Yawn. I really liked Raffles and the other farm dogs. They were the only thing worthwhile about this movie. Everything else felt so contrived. Oh well. Moving on! At this point there is only one thing missing from this movie. Can you guess? That's right! No movie about a fat and 'lovable' guy is complete without the superhot love interest! In this film, the love interest is Daisy, a beautiful Rough Collie whose job is to scare away crows, I think. After about five excruciating minutes of interaction (which include another terrible song), Daisy decides she loves Rover. Yeah, I don't have an explanation for that either. Anyway, after this Rover proves himself on the farm by saving the farmer's life and doing various other things. Blah blah blah. His showgirl owner finds him. Blah. All this nonsense culminates in one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen in animation.

These puppies (cue dramatic music):Why? Why are there like 30 of the Rover puppies and one of the pretty Daisy puppies? Why was this movie ever made? If you're feeling masochistic today, this gem is available somewhere on Youtube. Just don't say I didn't warn you. Because I did. Many times.

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